Haute Healthy Lifestyle Blog

Zoe Metabolism Study – My Results!

Zoe Metabolism Study – My Results!

  I just received my Zoe results today. What is Zoe? Zoe is a company that analyzes metabolism, including how one's blood response to fat and sugar.   Zoe measures "dietary Inflammation" partly by examining how the body metabolizes sugar and fat. To...

Metabolism – High?

Metabolism – High?

Out of curiosity, back in 2019, I had my metabolism measured using "indirect calorimetry".   Keep in mind, I am less than 5'0'' tall!   Here are my results: 2,669 calories per day! Wow!   Do you think this is accurate?   I doubt it 🤣!   Would...

Fabletics Review

Hello! I decided to give Fabletics a try... My order took 27 days to arrive, but did arrive today! Here's what I chose in my first shipment: Name:Harlow One Shoulder Reversible Sports Bra VIP Price:$39.95 ---   Name:Faye Medium Impact Sports Bra II VIP Price:$39.95...

A Few of My Favorite [Healthy] Things!

A Few of My Favorite [Healthy] Things!

These delicious options are found in the ❄️frozen food aisle of major healthy grocery chains.   Bird's Eye Good-to-eat 🍆🥕🥬🍅 veggies! Here are just a few examples: Superfood blends (i.e., Barley & Kale) Riced cauliflower (in a variety of flavors, such as...



I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have taken my passion for health & wellness to the next level & become a Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss® coach. I had incredible results through the program & now want to empower others to get fit &...

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